Author Topic: [D]House Rule: Player Rewards - Renown Points  (Read 1419 times)


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[D]House Rule: Player Rewards - Renown Points
« on: November 13, 2010, 12:05:46 AM »
Starting with the next session, players will earn Renown Points. Now, these points are only good for my campaigns that I run and right now, that's just Reality Zero. I stole this from another blog but figured this was a good thing to have.

Each session, based on what you do during the game, you will earn a certain number of Renown Points. You can then use the points you've earned to purchase boons. Boons will be represented by poker chips, each one costs a certain amount.

The previous rules have been superseded. Look to the menu on the right for Player Renown Rewards.

[BULL]   Black chips cost 15 points and if you have one, you may turn it in for a +2 bonus on any d20 roll or a +5 bonus on damage.

[BULL]   Green chips cost 20 points and if you have one, you may turn it in to re-roll any single die.

[BULL]   Blue chips cost 25 points and if you have one, you may turn it in to use an Encounter power an additional time.

[BULL]   Red chips cost 30 points and if you have one, you may turn it in to use your Second Wind as a free action.

[BULL]   White chips cost 35 points and if you have one, you may turn it in to automatically make an Omega Charge Check, an Overcharge Check, or stabilize your character if he/she/it is dying.

How do you gain Renown? By accomplishing quests, helping each other, role-playing, etc. I will keep track of your Renown and tell you how much you've earned. This will now be reported along with XP, however, the Renown given out will be different from player to player.

[REWARD]     For the first session, each of you receive 3 Renown Points.[/REWARD]
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 02:46:28 PM by Excalibur »