Author Topic: [E] Session Report: Session 17  (Read 3711 times)


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[E] Session Report: Session 17
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:30:37 PM »
The party is back in New Unswich and is itching to get back into the thick of things!

Everyone is catching up on nine and a half months of absence from the city.

Squiggy consulted his avian friends. Russel the crow was still counting after all this time. It turns out that the orcs have not fully recovered from whatever they encountered in the tunnels on the fortress island.

Rispah is EXPECTING! Yes, our little furry friend will be having a litter of babies in approximately a month! She's gone to Hanzel's and Franzel's for a look at some clothes and the  half-ogres recognized her condition straight away. A rat-hug later and Rispah seems to be in better spirits!

Bristol has returned to the city guard for work and has found that the sergeant that was in charge of training new recruits has become the new captain of the watch. Little was spoken between the two other than the failed raid attempts against the walls and previous findings the party already knew about. Bristol will be patrolling the walls for the time being.

Katcy, Ella, and Bobo went to see the resident dwarven scribe with questions. He was happy to oblige and provided the group with some very interesting historical information about Elves, Eladrin, and the seven heroes artifacts.

After the birth of Rispah's children, the party took the airship to Katcy's monastery, only to find it leveled and still smouldering from an attack. Of the thirty or so monks that were there, twenty were dead. Katcy's husband is missing along with four other sparok, a few humans, and some others.

Who was behind the attack? Are the others still alive? Stay tuned.