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World of Taluria, The / [D] Deities
« Last post by Excalibur on January 11, 2012, 06:13:16 AM »
To make things a bit simple all around, I have decided that the available deities are those from the Essentials class handbooks (Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdom and Heroes of the Fallen Lands). Kind of generic, yes, but will make my life a bit easier. I had been thinking about a different pantheon but the work involved would take away from the main story too much.
World of Taluria, The / [M] New Material Posted
« Last post by Excalibur on January 08, 2012, 10:48:44 PM »
I have created random tables for Race/Sub-race and Class/Sub-class determination. You can find this on the right. Additionally, I have created a worksheet for you to use while creating your character's background, if you choose to go with the Heroes of Legend book that I'll be bringing. I'd like for everyone to try this book because it goes into a depth that will not only flesh out your character and get you thinking about him or her, but also gives me fodder for NPCs, encounters, quests, and historical background about the world.

Note: In my posts, I will not refer to any player by their real name. I will instead refer to character names, which will be posted to the right once the game starts. It is my intention to keep the cast of characters up to date with any deaths, episodic appearances, and regulars.
World of Taluria, The / [D] Racial Notes COMPLETED!
« Last post by Excalibur on January 07, 2012, 02:00:05 PM »
I have finally finished off the racial notes. There are quite a few write-ups in the two as well as a number of flavor/story modifications. Feel free to read them over and leave feedback in the Facebook group!
World of Taluria, The / [D] The Races of Taluria (Part 2)
« Last post by Excalibur on January 07, 2012, 01:36:44 AM »
Below you will find racial write-ups for the majority of races found in the World of Taluria.

Half-Orcs and Half-Elves are rare but do exist. They are unchanged from official sources.

Canin are a bane to any caravan that happens to be nearby. They are race of anthropomorphic dogs who have become rogues, bandits, and outlaws. Typically, Canin are found in gangs called (unimaginatively, Howl Packs) and just about any illicit activity is something they are involved with.

In game terms, Canin are Gnolls. Their ability bonuses are  (instead of the Gnoll's ability bonuses).

Outlaws, rebels, and all-around plagues for caravans.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 4'11" - 6'5"
Average Weight: 120 - 280 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Charisma or +2 Intelligence
Size: Medium
Speed: 7 Squares
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth
Blood Fury: While you're bloodied, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. This increases to a +4 bonus at 21st level.
Ferocious Charge: You can use Ferocious Charge as an encounter power (see Dragon Magazine 367).
Pack Attack: You deal an extra 2 damage on melee attacks against an enemy that has two or more of your allies adjacent to it.

  • Giants are currently the rulers of the world. They wrested control from the Dragons who had obliterated the previous rulers, the Changelings (the Changeling race presented in Eberron is a distant ancestor).

    Giants are functionally similar to Goliaths.

    The current, indisputable rules of the world.
    Racial Traits
    Average Height: 7'2" - 7'8"
    Average Weight: 280 - 340 lbs.
    Ability Scores: +2 Strength; +2 Constitution or +2 Charisma
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 5 Squares
    Vision: Normal
    Languages: Common, Giant
    Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Intimidation
    Powerful Athlete: When you make an Athletics check to jump or climb, roll twice and use either result.
    Just Tough: Gain +2 bonus to Fortitude.
    Encumbered Speed: You move your speed, even when wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load.
    Focused Strength: You gain Focused Strength as a racial power.
        [ENCOUNTER]    Focused Strength[POWLEVEL]Giant Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    You flex your large muscles, bringing every ounce of strength to bear.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter
        Minor Action        Personal[ALTROW]    Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to damage rolls with melee attacks until
        the start of your next turn.[/ALTROW]

    Drow, like the Elves and Eladrin are not native to Taluria. The Drow of Taluria were not rebels following Lolth but were twisted by Illithid (also not native to Taluria). The very few Drow who have made appearances beyond their secluded home do not remember where it is, or how to find others of their own kind. In all other respects, Drow are as described in the official 4e books.

    Trolls have been asleep for a very, very long time. Their regenerative capabilities have kept them alive without sustenance for longer than the earliest Changeling empires. After the destruction of the Human homelands, Trolls began to awake and take stock of the new world. It is not as they remember and believe now is the time to strike out and begin subtle subjugation of the world.

    Unlike your traditional D&D Troll, Talurian Trolls are intelligent and look more like Humans. Their skin is a black-ish or brown-ish green and their hair can be any color a Human's can. Otherwise they resemble a Human in all other respects, save one: Their ability to regenerate.

    Mysterious sleepers who are now re-entering the world.
    Racial Traits
    Average Height: 4'0" - 7'0"
    Average Weight: 180 - 380 lbs.
    Ability Scores: +2 Constitution; +2 Strength or +2 Intelligence
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 6 Squares
    Vision: Normal
    Languages: Common, Giant
    Skill Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
    Regeneration: Whenever you start your turn and have at least 1 hit point, you regain hit points equal to 1 + one-half your level. Special: If you have taken fire or acid damage (other than ongoing damage) since the start of your last turn, the regeneration does not function at the start of your next turn.
    Not dead yet: Whenever you are reduced to less than 1 hit point and you make a death save, you can spend a healing surge on a result of 15 or higher.
    Troll Rage: You gain the Troll Rage racial power.
        [ENCOUNTER]    Troll Rage[POWLEVEL]Troll Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    When you get hurt, you get mad.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter [BULL] Healing
        Immediate Rection        Personal[ALTROW]    Trigger: An enemy damages you with an attack.[/ALTROW]    Effect: You regain hit points equal to 3 + your level. Until the end of your next
        turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the triggering enemy.
        Level 11: Regain hit points equal to 6 + your level.
        Level 21: Regain hit points equal to 9 + your level.

    The Sparok are a religious race, some say the keepers of religion for all Talurians. In any given Sparokian city, you can find any number of shrines, churches, and other places of warship each dedicated to a different patron diety, demigod, spirit, or other religious belief. Sparoks are avian creatures as varied as natural birds found in any forest. Eagles, sparrows, chickadees, quails, pheasants, peacocks, etc. are all found in this diverse race's makeup.

    The religious leaders of the world, Sparok are the first to greet the gods each day.
    Racial Traits
    Average Height: 5'3" - 6'4"
    Average Weight: 90 - 210 lbs.
    Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom; +2 Dexterity or +2 Intelligence
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 4 squares. Fly 6 squares. You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying more than a normal load. While flying, you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. If you do not land at the end of your movement, you fall.
    Vision: Normal
    Languages: Common, choice of one other.
    Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Bluff
    Mimicry: A Sparok can mimic sounds and voices. A successful Insight check opposed by the Sparok's Bluff check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
    Power Dive: you gain the Power Dive racial power.
        [ENCOUNTER]    Power Dive[POWLEVEL]Sparok Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    You leap into the air and then plummet into your foe in a devastating attack.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter [BULL] Martial, Weapon
        Standard Action        Melee 1[ALTROW]    Target: One creature.[/ALTROW]    Effect: Before making this attack, you can shift up to 4 squares.
        Attack: Wisdom vs. AC
    [ALTROW]    Hit: 1[W] + Wisdom modifier damage, and you knock the target prone.[/ALTROW]    Level 11: 2[W] + Wisdom modifier damage
        Level 21: 3[W] + Wisdom modifier damage

    Ratlings appeared recently, from where, nobody knows. They have proven to be excellent scouts and trackers and their services are highly sought after. Ratlings look like humanoid rats having fur from brown and black to silver and white. Their eyes are usually brown or black though any color is possible.

    Dextrous and agile trackers and scouts but not much is known about their origins.
    Racial Traits
    Average Height: 4'5" - 5'7"
    Average Weight: 80 - 150 lbs.
    Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 6 Squares
    Vision: Low-light
    Languages: Common, choice of one other
    Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Dungeoneering
    Skilled Hunter: When you are fighting a creature you have combat advantage against, you receive a +3 bonus to attack rolls made against the target instead of the usual +2.
    Scuttling Escape: You gain the Scuttling Escape racial power.
        [ENCOUNTER]    Scuttling Escape[POWLEVEL]Ratling Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    You use your natural mobility to extricate yourself from a dangerous situation.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter
        Move Action        Personal[ALTROW]    Effect: If you are slowed or immobilized, you end that effect. In addition, you
        shift a number of squares equal to one-half your speed..[/ALTROW]

    Raptors are a race of lizardfolk who have been isolated from the rest of the World's population for millenia. The Great Eastern Desert and Skyspire Mountains have proven to be an effective barrier to the rest of the continent of Marglish. Raptors range in appearance from short, green-scaled swamp lizards to tall, dinosaur-like brutes. Their scales are a variety of colors with a multitude of different patterns and their eyes range from black to green to yellow. Raptors have no eyelids, much like an alligator, and instead have a clear film that keeps their eyes moist.

    Cut off from the rest of the world, Raptors are excited about exploring other environs and meeting new people.
    Racial Traits
    Average Height: 4'11" - 6'10"
    Average Weight: 100 - 340 lbs.
    Ability Scores: +2 Charisma; +2 Dexterity or +2 Wisdom
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 6 Squares
    Vision: Normal
    Languages: Common, Draconic
    Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Endurance
    Meditation: Rather than sleep, you enter a meditative state. You need to spend 6 hours in this state to gain the benefits of an extended rest. While meditating, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
    Resilient: Gain +2 bonus to Fortitude.
    Camouflage: A Raptor gains a +5 bonus to Stealth checks if it is in an environment that has colors matching his scale color.
    Green: Forest, Swamps
    Brown: Forest, Desert
    Black: Shadow, Darkness
    Tan: Desert, Mountains
    Gray: Shadow, Mountains
    Tail Lash: You gain Tail Lash as a racial power.
        [ATWILL]    Tail Lash[POWLEVEL]Raptor Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ATWILL][FLAVOR]    Wounded, your instincts take over and you employ the power of your tail.[/FLAVOR]    At-Will
        Minor Action        Melee 1
        Requirement: You must be bloodied.
        Target: One creature
        Attack: Dexterity vs. AC[ALTROW]    Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier damage and you can shift 1 square.[/ALTROW]
World of Taluria, The / [D] Character Backgrounds
« Last post by Excalibur on January 05, 2012, 06:48:48 PM »
You are, of course, free to choose backgrounds from any official D&D 4e source. This does include the background generation rules in Heroes of the Feywild (which I find pretty fun!).

I am going to provide another method for in-depth character backgrounds. The source is a very old book titled "Heroes of Legend" (HoL). I really enjoy the stories that come from the table rolls in this book. If you want a completely random character, you can go with my modified version of HoL which updates tables to work with D&D 4e and my homebrew campaign specifically.

I will be bringing Heroes of the Fewild and Heroes of Legend with me during the first session. You are free to choose which background generation you wish.

In all cases, I plan on spinning all of your character backgrounds into my campaign. So, in essence, you will be helping to develop the history of the world and some of the flavor of the land.
World of Taluria, The / [D] The Races of Taluria (Part 1)
« Last post by Excalibur on January 02, 2012, 11:47:41 PM »
Below you will find racial write-ups for the majority of races found in the World of Taluria.

Sprites and Faeries have been at war with each other for centuries, neither side remembers why the conflict began. The only people who may know are the Elves who have been attempting to quell the fighting and bring the two factions to a peaceful coexistence. Both the Sprites and the Faeries hail from an island named Turae which lies north of the main continent of Marglish.

In game terms, Sprites and Faeries are the same thing as Pixies (Heroes of the Feywild) only Sprites do not fly. Any feats that refer to flying do not apply to Sprites.

Faeries are the Talurian name for the Pixie race and therefore have the same stats as Pixies.

Magical, tiny folk with insect wings, while childlike are terrors when angered.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 0'6'' - 1'
Average Weight: 1 - 4 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Charisma; +2 Dexterity or +2 Intelligence
Size: Tiny
Speed: 4 Squares, Fly 6 squares (altitude limit 1). You cannot use this fly speed if you are carrying more than a normal load.
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Elven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 Stealth
Faerie Magic: You have the Faerie Dust and Shrink powers (see Pixie Dust and Shrink, Heroes of the Feywild).
Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.
Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.
Magical, tiny folk with a surly disposition and jealous of their Faerie cousins.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 0'6'' - 1'
Average Weight: 1 - 4 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Intelligence; +2 Charisma or +2 Wisdom
Size: Tiny
Speed: 5 Squares.
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Elven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Arcana
Glow: As a minor action, you may shed bright light in a 4-square radius. As a free action, you may douse the light.
Insightful Observer: Once per milestone, you may roll 2 d20s when making a Perception, Insight, Nature, Arcana, or Religion check and choose the better of the two results.
Sprite Magic: You have the Shrink power (see Pixie Power: Shrink, Heroes of the Feywild).
Speak with Beasts: You can communicate with natural beasts and fey beasts.
Wee Warrior: You have a reach of 1, rather than the reach of 0 that is typical for a Tiny creature. You also take a -5 penalty to Strength checks to break or force open objects. When wielding a weapon of your size, you follow the same rules that Small creatures do.

Elves are not indigenous to Taluria but they were present when the other races crawled out from under their rocks. The arrival of the Elves is a story only known to the Elven nation's royal family, the Eladrin high court.

Functionally, Elves and Eladrin are no different from their core rules counterparts they are just not of this world.

Felin, as mentioned earlier, are the merchants of Taluria. They own nearly every shop in the world and only have issues with the Dwarven black market.

Successful merchants who are the dominant force behind commerce in Taluria.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'4" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 125 - 225 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom; +2 Strength or +2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Insight, +2 Streetwise
Claws: You have claws which are natural weapons with which you are proficient.
Enchanted Claw: You may have your claws enchanted via the Enchant Magic Item ritual. If your claws are ever subject to the Disenchant Magic Item ritual, your claws lose their magical enhancment but are not destroyed when the ritual is complete.
Natural Climber: You gain a +2 Racial bonus to climb checks.
Clawed Fighter: You gain Claw Attack and Slashing Claws as racial powers.

[ATWILL]    Claw Attack[POWLEVEL]Felin Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ATWILL][FLAVOR]    You use your natural gifts to even the odds during a fight.[/FLAVOR]    At-Will
    Standard Action        Melee 1
    Requirement: You must be unarmed and not using a shield.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength or Dexterity + 3 vs. AC[ALTROW]    Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier damage[/ALTROW]    Special: You treat your claws as light blades with the off-hand property.[ALTROW]    Special: When you create your character, choose Strength or Dexterity.
    Your Claw Attack is based on this stat for the life of your character.[/ALTROW]    Special: You may use Claw Attack as a Basic Melee Attack.

[ENCOUNTER]    Slashing Claws[POWLEVEL]Felin Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    You rip at your foe's face with your claws.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter
    Standard Action        Melee 1
    Requirement: You must be unarmed and not using a shield.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength or Dexterity vs. AC, make two attacks[ALTROW]    Hit (one hit): 1d6 + Strength modifier + one-half your level damage
    Hit (two hits): 2d6 + Strength modifier + one-half your level damage and the
    target is blinded until the end of your next turn.[/ALTROW]    Special: Slashing Claws uses the same ability as Claw Attack.

Dwarves have been pushed out of nearly every market due to the Felin monopoly on trade goods. In order to "combat" the Felin, a black market was devised. Dwarves are akin to the Mafia or Yakuza of our world. They are ruthless when it comes to trade, going so far as to blackmail, beat, or even kill when their money is not paid back in a timely manner. All in all, they are not an evil race, just possessed by an intense greed.

Talurian Dwarves are still tough and brash just as normal Dwarves from the core rules.

Dwarf, Talurian
Greedy rulers of the black market who will stop at nothing to claim their money.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 4' 3" - 4' 9"
Average Weight: 160 - 220 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution; +2 Strength or +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 5 Squares.
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Streetwise, +2 Intimidate
Cast-Iron Stomach: You have a +5 racial bonus to saving throws against poison.
Dwarven Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the throwing hammer and the warhammer.
Encumbered Speed: You move at your normal speed even when it would be reduced by armor or a heavy load. Other effects that limit speed (such as difficult terrain or magic) affect you normally.
Stand Your Ground: When an effect forces you to move—through a pull, a push, or a slide—you can move 1 square less than the effect specifies. This means an effect that normally pulls, pushes, or slides a target 1 square does not force you to move unless you want to. In addition, when an attack would knock you prone, you can make a saving throw to avoid falling prone.
Dwarven Resilience: You gain the Dwarven Resilience racial power (see the Player's Handbook or Essentials class books).

The Humans of Taluria are a diverse and adaptable people but are more akin to scavengers and refugees. The once great human population has been rent asunder due to the War of Darkness. Many humans were seduced by the entropic energies of the dark beings who instigated the war and were subsequently transformed into Orcs, Goblins, and Minotaurs. There were populations that were untouched by the war but they are few and far between. The main host of the human population became shattered when the continent their lands sat upon was destroyed. All that remains of this land is a dark, shadowy place of evil, shrouded in black dust.

Talurian Humans who survived the war do not gain the standard defense bonus nor the bonus feat of the core rules' human.

Human, Talurian
A race of refugees, Humans are struggling to survive after the Entropic War.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5' 6" - 6'2"
Average Weight: 135 - 220 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Any; +2 Any (may even be applied to the primary stat again)
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares.
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, choice of one other
Bonus Skill: You gain training in one additional skill from your class skills list.
Human Power Selection: Choose an option for your Human character.
Bonus At-Will Power: You know one extra 1st level at-will attack power from your class.
Heroic Effort: You have the Heroic Effort power (see the Essentials class books).

The unfortunate who fell for the lies and promises of Entropy became what is known today as the Orc, Goblin, and Minotaur. These three races are attempting to repent for the actions they were compelled and forced to do against their fellow humans. Many have turned to policing and protecting anyone and everyone who they deem needs their protection. They do good works and tend to follow the edicts and codes of what we'd call Arthurian knights, Paladins, and other do-gooders.

These three races are available as per the core books. The Goblin and Orc are both presented as races in the Monster Manual but have the following racial blocks. Minotaurs are unchanged from official sources.

Goblin, Talurian
Once Human, Goblins are trying to repent for their crimes against humanity.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 3'4" - 3'8"
Average Weight: 40 - 55 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Charisma or +2 Intelligence
Size: Small
Speed: 6 Squares.
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Goblin
Skill Bonuses: +2 Stealth, +2 Thievery.
Goblin Reflexes: You gain a +1 to your Reflex defense.
Goblin Flexibility: You gain either the Goblin Tactics or the Shifty Dodger racial power.

[ENCOUNTER]    Shifty Dodger[POWLEVEL]Goblin Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    You roll with a hit and skitter just out of reach.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter
    Immediate Reaction        Personal
    Trigger: An enemy's opportunity action hits you.
    Target: One creature[ALTROW]    Effect: The damage is reduced by your Dexterity modifier and you can shift a
    number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.[/ALTROW]    Special: If the damage is reduced to zero or less, this power is not expended.

[ATWILL]    Goblin Tactics[POWLEVEL]Goblin Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ATWILL][FLAVOR]    You avoid your enemy’s blow and cleverly slink past his defenses.[/FLAVOR]    At-Will
    Immediate Reaction        Personal
    Trigger: You are missed by a melee attack by 5 or more.
    Effect: You shift 1 square.
Orc, Talurian
Once Human, Orcs struggle to suppress their bloodlust.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 6'0" - 6'5"
Average Weight: 200 - 230 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Strength; +2 Constitution or +2 Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares.
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Giant
Running Charge: When you charge, add 2 to your speed.
Boiling Blood: You may activate your Second Wind as a minor action.
Orcish Outrage: You can use either the Warrior’s Surge or the Blood Rage racial power.

[ENCOUNTER]    Warrior's Surge[POWLEVEL]Orc Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    Spilling the blood of your enemy invigorates you.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter [BULL] Healing, Weapon
    Standard Action        Melee Weapon
    Attack: Strength vs. AC[ALTROW]    Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you can spend a healing surge.
    Increase to 2[W] + Strength modifier damage at 21st level.[/ALTROW]

[ENCOUNTER]    Blood Rage[POWLEVEL]Orc Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ENCOUNTER][FLAVOR]    You lose control, your eyes grow bloodshot, and in a furious rampage you seek
    out the enemy.[/FLAVOR]    Encounter
    Immediate Reaction        Personal
    Trigger: An enemy marks or bloodies you.
    Target: The triggering enemy.[ALTROW]    Effect: Make a Basic Melee attack as a free action against the target. If the
    target is not within reach, you instead gain a +2 racial bonus to attack rolls
    and damage rolls against the target before the end of your next turn.[/ALTROW]
World of Taluria, The / [D] Custom Race #1: The Felin
« Last post by Excalibur on January 01, 2012, 08:50:15 PM »
This has been superseded by the racial write-up above. I have decided to not give racial feats because if I do it for one, I have to do it for all.

I have been working on a few of the custom races for The World of Taluria and decided I'd release the first, completed race.

The Felin (fey-LYN) are a race of cat people and their looks are as varied as those of house cats and the great cats. Taluria is littered with Felin who act as merchants, shop owners, and generally the face of anything and everything related to commerce and trade in the legal world. The majority of merchants resemble lions, tigers, and other great cats while adventurers, explorers, and lower-class folk tend to resemble house cats and the lesser wild cats such as pumas, cheetahs, lynxes, and the like.

Felin have a long-standing rivalry with dwarves for market share since the dwarven race is notorious for their black market. Most Felin shop owners will treat all customers equally, however, regardless of race. They will never go back on a deal and will complete a commercial contract to the very letter. This level of dedication, trustworthiness, and non-bias towards other races (at least when dealing in commercial ventures) earns the Felin a near monopoly on all trade.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule...

Successful merchants who are the dominant force behind commerce in Taluria.
Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'4" - 6'0"
Average Weight: 125 - 225 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom; +2 Strength or +2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 Squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Choice of one other
Skill Bonuses: +2 Insight, +2 Streetwise
Claws: You have claws which are natural weapons with which you are proficient.
Natural Climber: You gain a +2 Racial bonus to climb checks.
Clawed Fighter: You gain Claw Attack as a racial power.

[ATWILL]    Claw Attack[POWLEVEL]Felin Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ATWILL][FLAVOR]    You use your natural gifts to even the odds during a fight.[/FLAVOR]    At-Will
    Standard Action        Melee 1
    Prerequisite: You must be unarmed and not using a shield.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength or Dexterity + 3 vs. AC[ALTROW]    Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier damage[/ALTROW]    Special: You treat your claws as light blades with the off-hand property.[ALTROW]    Special: When you create your character, choose Strength or Dexterity.
                     Your Claw Attack is based on this stat for the life of your character.[/ALTROW]    Special: You may use Claw Attack as a Basic Melee Attack.

Felin Racial Feats

    Enchanted Claw
    Felin Racial Feat
    Tier: Heroic
    Description: You may have your claws enchanted via the Enchant Magic Item
    Special: If your claws are ever subject to the Disenchant Magic Item ritual, your
                   claws lose their magical enhancment but are not destroyed when the
                   ritual is complete.

    Claw Initiate
    Felin Racial Feat
    Tier: Heroic
    Prerequisite: Dexerity or Strength 16
    Description: You may use Slashing Claws as an At-Will attack power.

[ATWILL]    Slashing Claws[POWLEVEL]Felin Racial Power[/POWLEVEL][/ATWILL][FLAVOR]    You rip at your foe's face with your claws.[/FLAVOR]    At-Will
    Standard Action          Melee 1
    Prerequisite: You must be unarmed and not using a shield.
    Target: One creature
    Attack: Strength or Dexterity vs. AC, make two attacks
[ALTROW]    Hit (one hit): 1d6 + Strength modifier + one-half your level damage
    Hit (two hits): 2d6 + Strength modifier + one-half your level damage and the
                                target is blinded until the end of your next turn.[/ALTROW]    Special: Slashing Claws uses the same stat as Claw Attack.

    Clawed Warrior
    Felin Racial Feat
    Tier: Paragon
    Prerequisite: Claw Initiate
    Description: You may use Slashing Claws as a Melee Basic attack[/s]
World of Taluria, The / [E] The First Session (January 13th)
« Last post by Excalibur on December 29, 2011, 06:53:35 AM »
For the first session, think about why your character may have been in prison. Who put him/her there? What was the charge?

I am going to allow all classes so think about what class you'd like to play if you didn't have to think about the character's race.

You don't have to worry much about the location or the "where" your character came from nor do you have to worry about your character's race at this time. We'll get that stuff on day 1.
World of Taluria, The / [D] Welcome to the World of Taluria!
« Last post by Excalibur on December 17, 2011, 09:59:35 PM »
It's come time for me to start my homebrew campaign for Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition. The name of the setting is The World of Taluria (if you hadn't guessed by the title of the blog and this welcome post).

It is my intention to use this blog to disseminate information about the world, races, and your current status in the campaign.

You may create a character using any race presented in any 4th Edition material, including Essentials. You will also have the choice of selecting from the fifteen races the setting has to offer. Please note that some Talurian races are different from the standard versions found in the books (the official races can all be used, I just present some variation). You will have the material available to you when you create your character during the first session.

You have access to all 4th Edition classes, paragon paths, and epic destinies. This also includes the Essentials classes.

You may play with a deck of 10 fortune cards that you've created from your own collection. If you do not have a deck of fortune cards, you may choose three cards from the DM's deck (representing your character's past, present, and future) and use them as encounter powers (I have the right to change these to dailies depending upon the power of the card drawn). All sets and promos that are currently available are legal for game play.

You can check that at the door when it comes to monsters and other nasties in the world. I am modifying every single thing you come across in terms of description, abilities, capabilities, etc. So that thing you think is a kobold will indeed surprise you when you treat it as such.

Particularly stats. Use the standard point-buy system or one of the 3 arrays given to you in the PHB. But I'll make it easy and post the info right here:
    Standard arrays:
        Balanced: 16, 14, 14, 11, 10, 10
        Specialist: 18, 14, 11, 10, 10, 8
        Dual Specialist: 16, 16, 12, 11, 11, 8
    Point buy:
        Start with these 6 scores: 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10; you have 22 points to buy your stats with.
          9: -1 (+1 if coming from 8)
        10:  0 (or 2 if coming from 8)
        11:  1
        12:  2
        13:  3
        14:  5
        15:  7
        16:  9
        17: 12
        18: 16

You may choose any themes and backgrounds in the core 4th Edition material or Dragon Magazine. I will have backgrounds available for locales around Taluria.

You will not start with equipment or gold. You will receive this when you start your first game session (when we get there, you'll understand).

You may play any alignment, but I'd prefer if you played unaligned or good.

Until the first session! (Oh, January 13, 2012 at Richmond Comix @ 8:00 - This will be a character creation and world background session, perhaps some RP as well).
Reality Zero / [M]Card List Updated
« Last post by Excalibur on April 04, 2011, 08:41:51 PM »
I have added the new Alpha Mutations and Omega Tech from Legion of Gold to the Card Viewer! I may add Cryptic Alliances and Origins as well...We'll see.
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